Ms. 琥珀克拉克

Ms. 琥珀克拉克
Senior Instructor
Management, Information Systems, and Business 教育, 部门 of
Scott College of Business
30 N 7th Street
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  • M.S. - HRD, Indiana State University - 2007
  • B.S. - Psychology , Indiana State University - 2003

Professional Webpage

Teaching Interests

  • Indiana State University
    HRD 335, Tech Internat Develop, 5 courses.HRD 340, Writing for the Workplace, 6 courses.HRD 350, Labor Relat Human Res Devl, 3 courses.HRD 351, Professional Internship, 27 courses.HRD 369, Dev. Occup. Ed Trn Prog, 30 courses.HRD 385, Methods & Strat Instr Progams, 29 courses.HRD 480, Industrial Organizat Psy, 4 courses.HRD 489, Adlt Lrn High Ed Train, 1 course.HRD 495, Contemp Iss Human Res Devl, 1 course.HRD 580, Industrial Organizat Psy, 2 courses.HRD 589, Adult Learn High Educ&Training, 1 course.HRD 595, Contemp Issues Human Res Devl, 1 course.HRD 659, Professional Internship, 8 courses.HRD 420, Career Development, 1 course. HRD 520, Career Development, 1 course.

Research Interests

  • My research interests are employee engagement, emotional intelligence, career development, employee retention, and work/life balance.